6 dangerous chemicals lurk in cleaner in the kitchen

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Kitchen cleanser is an effective arm for housewives by helping the family keep fire clean. However, if you are not careful when choosing cleanser, the health of the whole family can be threatened by these dangerous chemicals. Let’s find out “6 dangerous chemicals lurk in cleaner in the kitchen” to know more about it with Bestechz!

Kitchen cleaning liquid is often found in dish washing products, kitchen cleaners, stains bleach solutions, stains, disinfectants, grease cleaning … However, it’s not convenient and safe for your health. Therefore, when choosing a kitchen cleaning solution, you need to remember the criteria to buy household cleaning products that are safe for your health, and stay away from the following dangerous chemicals that have great long-term health effects.


6 dangerous chemicals lurk in cleaner in the kitchen

1. Hazardous chemicals come from Phthalates

6 dangerous chemicals lurk in cleaner in  the kitchen
6 dangerous chemicals lurk in cleaner in the kitchen

Phthalates are commonly found in dishwashers, disinfectants, and kitchen fragrances. It is also an ingredient found in low-quality, unlabeled plastic toys.

This dangerous chemical is usually not mentioned on the label of a product and will be replaced with the words “fragrance” or “fragrance”. If you see a product label with this line, you should pay attention not to buy to use.

Phthalate is a volatile substance in the air that can enter the human body through the respiratory system. However, this substance can also get into your body when your hands come into contact with products that contain chemicals that create odors and are harmful to your health.

You should choose fragrance-free kitchen cleaning products with all-natural ingredients. If you want to disinfect your kitchen, consider growing plants or using essential oils in your kitchen as a natural air detoxifier.

2. Triclosan in antibacterial products

6 dangerous chemicals lurk in cleaner in  the kitchen
Dangerous chemicals lurk in cleaner in the kitchen

Triclosan is a substance found in most dishwashing liquid and hand soaps labeled “antibacterial”. This dangerous chemical is also added to kitchen cleaners to slow or stop the growth of bacteria, fungi or mold.

Most of the antibacterial products, from domestically produced to imported, contain the active ingredient triclosan. The product label often shows triclosan with antibacterial effects.

You should use kitchen detergents and hand soaps with a short list of ingredients, free from harmful chemicals, and avoid antibacterial products with triclosan. If you have a habit of using hand sanitizer as an antiseptic, it’s best to choose one that contains alcohol and does not contain triclosan.

3. Ammonia is present in polishing products

6 dangerous chemicals lurk in cleaner in  the kitchen
Dangerous chemicals lurk in cleaner in the kitchen

Ammonia is a substance found in bathroom furniture polish, dishwashers, and glass washers. Products containing ammonia are often released, causing some dangerous gases.

Most cleaning products commercially available today contain ammonia because it is volatile and does not leave streaks. However, Donna Kasuska, a chemical engineer and chairman of the ChemConsious Group, said: “Ammonia is a dangerous, highly stimulant chemical that can instantly affect you and cause asthma. , lung and breathing problems ”.
You should stay away from toxic chemicals that are highly washable and should not be attracted to convenience, high cleaning and low cost. Do not for the benefits of a moment that you can have a very expensive price for the long-term health of the whole family.

4. Sodium Hydroxyde in oven cleaner

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Sodium Hydroxyde is a dangerous chemical found in oven cleaners and drain and drain cleaners. This is an alkaline detergent with a pH greater than or equal to 8. This chemical, like most chemicals, is not mentioned in the detergent composition.

Sodium Hydroxyde, also known as alkaline solution, can be corrosive. You can get very bad burns if you accidentally let the chemical come into contact with your skin or eyes. If you inhale these chemicals by accident, you also run the risk of having a sore throat that lasts for many days.

5. 2-Butoxyethanol is a dangerous chemical

2-Butoxyethanol (2-BE, or butyl Cellosolve) is a substance found in kitchen cleaning products, oven cleaners, dishes, dishes, degreases, glass cleaning solutions, and all-purpose cleaners. This is a substance on the list of hazardous substances in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.

The law does not require manufacturers to list 2-butoxyethanol on product labels, but you can identify this dangerous chemical through its mild, pleasant aroma.

6. Quaternary Ammonium Compound

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Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QUATS) is found in fabric softeners and bed linens. However, this chemical is also present in most household cleaners with an “antibacterial” label in general, such as cleaning water, grease cleaners, disinfectants …

QUATS is one of the leading causes of contact dermatitis, according to a 10-year study. Not only that, this dangerous chemical is also the culprit of respiratory disorders.