Tag Archives: benefits

The benefits and dangers of fasting everything but only drinking water

loi ich va nguy hiem cua viec nhin an chi uong nuoc 1

Fasting everything in combination with drinking water is one of the detox methods that helps to purify the body and has many great health benefits. However, most patients do not know the ideal time to perform detox procedures as well as how to drink water and fast to ensure effectiveness and safe. It is for […]

Polyscias fruticosa cure loss of milk, help pregnant women after giving birth

la cay dinh lang chua huyet ap thap

In addition to being used as a food, polyscias fruticosa is also known for its medicinal uses. In which using polyscias fruticosa to cure milk loss, milk benefits is also a way to bring good effects. So why can help milk benefit, cure loss of milk from polyscias fruticosa? How to do it? The information […]