Most Delicious Dishes & Drinks Of Azerbaijani Cuisine

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The food in Azerbaijan blends regional influences from Iran, Turkey and the Mediterranean. Dishes tend to be meat-based, especially mutton, with recipes passed down generations to give distinct flavours. If you’re visiting Azerbaijan, sample some of these traditional meals. Let’s join Bestechz to find out the Azerbaijani Cuisine!


Plov or pilaf

Azerbaijani Cuisine- Plov or pilaf
Azerbaijani Cuisine- Plov or pilaf

Pilaf, or rice, is one of the most typical Azeri dishes. It resembles Indian Biryani or Moroccan spiced rice which often comes with dried fruits and nuts. And this is precisely the best part of Azeri pilaf, the touches of spices and dried fruits which give it an exotic and sweetish flavour.

Pomegranate salad

Pomegranate is the national fruit of Azerbaijan and a popular ingredient in local cuisine. Served as a cube on a lettuce leaf, it is often accompanied with boiled potatoes and a local variation of mayonnaise.

Azerbaijani Cuisine- Pomegranate salad
Azerbaijani Cuisine- Pomegranate salad

Azeri people are so proud of their pomegranate that they make wine, sauce and sweets from the fruit.


Azerbaijani Cuisine- Halva
Azerbaijani Cuisine- Halva

If you have travelled around Eastern Europe and the Middle East, you’ve probably tasted halva. Azerbaijan’s version is different and is produced only in the mountainous region of Sheki. Few people know the secret recipe for this sugary confectionery, making it somewhat unique to the area.


HolidayMe 11MostDeliciousDishesDrinksofAzerbaijaniCuisine Dolma

Yet another traditional recipe from Azerbaijan cuisine, Dolma is a delectable Azeri food prepared using rice mixed with minced lamb, mint, cinnamon and fennel wrapped in cabbage leaves or vine leaves! The vast majority of all Baku restaurants serve this dish!


HolidayMe 11MostDeliciousDishesDrinksofAzerbaijaniCuisine Baliq

A dream come true for seafood lovers, Baliq consists of fish, usually sturgeon, grilled on a skewer and served with a tart sour-plum sauce. The fish is typically marinated using a combination of chopped dill, lemon juice and salt and is usually always accompanied by lemon wedges.

Lyulya Kebab

HolidayMe 11MostDeliciousDishesDrinksofAzerbaijaniCuisine LyulyaKebab

Minced lamb mixed with spices and herbs, squeezed around a skewer and barbecued – insanely scrumptious! The meat used in this dish in tenderized and put in to a large meat grinder. After this it is mixed with heaping amounts of lemon and salt. It is eventually cooked on a large coal barbecue known as a mangal and served hot!


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Azerbaijan’s version of dumplings, dushbara, are small balls of stuffed dough served in a lamb broth. Typical fillings include minced meat, tomatoes and onions served with dried mint, wine vinegar and garlic.

Smoked cheese

Strings of smoked cheese are often eaten with beer and alcoholic drinks. The salty, chewy and smoky texture makes a great snack while imbibing. Smoked cheese isn’t a food unique to Azerbaijan, but enjoying in the same way as the locals is a cultural experience.


Qutab is one of the most famous foods in Azerbaijan. Similar in shape to a quesadilla, qutab is made with paper-thin dough, stuffed with a variety of ingredients, folded, and usually baked in saj, a traditional Azerbaijani frying pan.


Three of the most common fillings are meat (lamb being the national favorite), a mixture of green vegetables, and squash. Most commonly it is consumed in between meals, as a nutritious snack. Before qutab is served, it is usually cut into smaller triangles and garnished with sumac, parsley, pomegranate seeds, or chopped walnuts. Traditionally, a glass of yogurt is served alongside this Azerbaijani delicacy.

Ghuru Kingal

This dish is best described as a deconstructed meat dumpling that is as messy as it is delicious. It is usually made of a bottom layer of several wide strips or diamond shaped pieces of steamed dumpling pasta topped with minced lamb meat, fried onions and spices. Try it at Sahil Restaurant.



Pakhlava are traditionally cooked for Novruz, the Zoroastrian festival celebrated in Azerbaijan when spring arrives, but today it is available everywhere and eaten at all times. They are very similar to the Turkish baklava and are incredibly sweet and filling so they make for the best companion to strong black tea that is so commonly drunk across the country.

Pakhlava are made of pastry layered with eight to ten levels of ground hazelnuts or walnuts mixed with honey or sugar and spices like cardamom or clove. The top layer is made with yolk mixed with saffron and topped with a piece of nut, either walnut or hazelnut. Pakhlava are some of the sweetest pastries you will ever find.