Postpartum depression – treatment to avoid unfortunate consequences

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Postpartum depression is a terrible obsession of many women, even those who are not pregnant. Especially in modern society today, depression has become the second most common disease in the world. Therefore, for those who are suffering or have the following signs, it is necessary to soon intervene in treatment to avoid unfortunate consequences in the future.



Postpartum depression - treatment to avoid unfortunate consequences

Surely there will be no strangers with the name postpartum depression. Basically, this is a psychological and emotional disease of women after giving birth. At this time people

There are people who will only get mild illness, after a while the disease disappears on its own and does not leave much impact on the patient’s life. However, there are also many cases of illness that start out in a mild way, then progressively worsen and even die because there is no timely treatment.

Common forms

Postpartum depression is currently divided into 3 types:

Baby Blues Syndrome
This is the common postpartum depression that most women experience after having a baby. At this time, the hormones in the female body are suddenly reduced and the thyroid hormones are also greatly reduced, so the pregnant woman will feel tired and depressed.

The signs of baby blues disease will automatically disappear after 1-3 weeks, so mothers should not be too worried. However, families also need to take care and take care of the patient carefully, the patient himself or herself also needs to provide adequate nutrients and regular physical exercise to avoid deterioration of the disease.

Postpartum depression (PPD)
The condition is quite similar to Baby Blues but the symptoms get much worse. If it takes too long, the mother will get much worse and difficult to treat.

With PPD syndrome, the mother only needs to apply some gentle treatments such as psychotherapy or medicine. However, the patient still has to go to the medical facility to examine and follow the doctor’s instructions, not to self-treat at home to avoid undesirable cases.

Postpartum psychosis
Postpartum psychosis is the most serious and dangerous for both mother and child. This form of pathology has progressed very quickly, in the first 3 months it seems that the patient does not have many obvious pathological manifestations. But when the disease actually breaks out, it will leave many unfortunate consequences.

Who is susceptible to postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression - treatment to avoid unfortunate consequences

Postpartum depression is an easy-to-get condition in women who have just given birth, but not everyone falls into this condition. According to statistics from the current number of cases, patients will often fall into the following cases:

Pregnant women have a history of depression before or during pregnancy
Postpartum women do not get rest and suffer from lack of sleep leading to mental and health exhaustion.
Women who give birth when they are too young
Encountered many conflicts about pregnancy
The rate of postpartum depression will increase gradually after each birth of women. that is, the more children you have, the more you are at risk.
Have a history of menstrual disorders
Single mothers or encounter many conflicts in their marriage
There is limited social support

Postpartum depression - treatment to avoid unfortunate consequences

Signs of postpartum depression

In the early stages of the pathology, the symptoms of the disease will not have many obvious manifestations, but the disease still causes many bad effects on human health. Most of the sick or the patient’s family members can only detect and intervene for treatment when the postpartum depression worsens.

For early recognition and prompt treatment, here are some symptoms of postpartum depression that you can identify yourself at home such as:

The mother changes her emotions erratically, easily irritated
Feeling bored most of the day
It always feels like it’s hard to breathe, like it’s being squeezed by something
The mother is always worried and has many feelings of restlessness and insecurity
Always want to be alone and refuse to communicate with those around you
Poor memory, unable to focus on doing well
Many times cry and inorganic anger
Always feel anorexia
The body loses energy (a sign of weakness)
According to medical statistics, currently about 80% of pregnant women experience postpartum psychosis. In some cases, symptoms go away on their own in about 1-2 weeks. If these conditions last longer, it could be a dangerous postpartum depression that requires early treatment.

Postpartum depression is dangerous?

Postpartum depression is not a disease that people can be subjective. Especially, if this disease is not treated early, the patient will often tend not to cooperate with the doctor, the pathology has gradually shaped the patient’s mindset and the complicated body into dangerous diseases. …