Poutine Canada – The national dish in Canada You Need To Try

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Poutine is one of the famous dishes of Canada, if not the typical dish of the country, Poutine includes french fries, cheese (cheese curds), and meat sauce.



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The gluttonous trifecta of ingredients is key: crispy French fries, savoury gravy (usually made from turkey, veal or chicken) and fresh, squeaky cheese curds. Not just any type of cheese — it has to be fresh curds. Forget what you’ve heard about the similarities between New Jersey’s “disco fries” and poutine. Ignore the mozzarella and find yourself some curds!

It’s the squeak of the curds that helps to define how truly Canadian this dish is. The essential component to poutine is actually a byproduct of cheddar cheese and the area where it was invented has a very cheesy history. Cheesemaking in Quebec has been going on since French settlers arrived in the early 1600s, and was heavily influenced by the English loyalists and their cheddar cheese after the American Revolutionary War. After pasteurization was invented, cheese production exploded in Quebec and by the end of the First World War, Canadian cheddar was being shipped off to England.

The freshness of the curds is also an important part of the creation of poutine. Because of a boom in cheese production, there was a surplus of curds, which were commonly sold in snack bars at the front cash (basically people ate them like potato chips; who can blame them?).

History of Canadian Poutine

Poutine Canada - The national dish in Canada You Need To Try
Poutine Canada – The national dish in Canada You Need To Try

Canadian Poutine is associated with many different stories. Poutine was born with the most official version associated with the following story:

Canadians say that poutine originated in the 1950s in Warwick, Quebec, at a restaurant called “Le Lutin qui rit”. After a customer who loved adding cheese curd (cheese) to his fries, the owner of the restaurant, Mr. Fernand Lachance, said that “Ça va faire une maudite poutine”, which can be roughly translated as “Doing so. will create a terrible mess. ”

Poutine is synonymous with mess in English. Since then, Poutine was born, this dish associated with the regional cuisine of Quebec, Canada

Poutine in the cultural life of Canadians

Today, Poutine is the most popular and typical dish of Canadians, you can find this dish in many different versions anywhere in Canada. Every year, a dedicated anniversary is held in major cities such as Ottawa, Drummondville, Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto …

Poutine Canada - The national dish in Canada You Need To Try
Poutine Canada – The national dish in Canada You Need To Try

This is a Canadian dish but influenced by the French cuisine with French fries, the famous French fries.

In Newfoundland, for example, many restaurants in the area have devised their own signature poutine, which still includes meat sauces and chips, but substitutes the cheese for a special sauce and some mixes. comes another

Poutine is convenient and flexible you can eat in fast food shops, restaurants, mobile trucks serving food on the road, sports stadiums, pubs …

To enjoy the best Poutine you should enjoy at the restaurants in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. However, today there are many restaurants that absorb the essence of this dish and also have the excellent quality

This dish is so popular with Canadians that McDonald’s in Canada has included the Poutine name in its store menu.

In 2014, a restaurant named Joe Beeverz in the Canadian province of Manitoba created the world’s largest plate of Poutine, breaking the previous world record created by the people of Saguenay, province of Quebec. Joe Beeverz’s Poutine plate weighs 1,949 pounds, and is 800 pounds more than the previous record.

Above is the information about Canadian Poutine one of the famous dishes of Canada. If you plan to settle down or study abroad, travel to Canada should briefly learn about the cuisine of the country with red maple leaves


Poutine was being served in Quebec City at the Ashton Snack bar by 1969 (it’s still open today) and hit the big time in Montreal by 1983. From there, a few Burger Kings in Quebec jumped on the poutine bandwagon in 1987, with McDonalds following suit in 1990. But it didn’t start selling it across the country until 2013. Smokes Poutinerie opened in 2008, crossed the country (and Canadian waistlines) and is now a world-wide phenomenon.

Many high-end restaurants across Canada have adopted the heart-attack trio; Au Pied du Cochon in Montreal places foie gras atop their poutine. There are restaurants in the United States devoted to poutine and dozens of spots in Britain sell the anti-diet dish. Montreal hosts Poutine Week every year and there are even World Poutine Eating Championships.

Poutine is only half as old as Canada, but has quickly become one of its most iconic dishes: this unequivocally Quebecois dish has gone from snack bar accident to iconic Canadiana in only 70 years.