How to clean USB C port on phone

How to clean USB C port on phone

Do you know how to clean USB C port on phone? Have you ever been puzzled about why your phone doesn’t charge when you attach it to your charger? One of the causes for this might be the filth and crud that has accumulated in your phone’s charging port. This issue affects all Android & Apple users because the port is frequently accessible. Many Android phones include a USB C connector, which is sensitive to dust, lint, and filth. If you’re seeking a means to clean it, we will guide you on how to clean USB C port on phone.


How to clean USB C port on phone

Sim Card Remover

How to clean USB C port on phone
How to clean USB C port on phone

You may use a sim card ripper instead of a toothpick. A sim card extractor is a piece of equipment that goes with your cell phone. This tool may be used to catch and extract dirt particles from both edges of the port. While doing so, be careful not to push the sim injector too far while taking out the dirt particles. To collect dirt, lay tissues beneath the port area.

Once you’re certain that the ports are clean, you may blow air into it to expel any dirt that the sim ejector couldn’t take up. If you use this approach, avoid inserting the instrument too deeply or bending it to avoid damaging the electrical connection.

Air Compression

One of the most popular and effective techniques for cleaning USB C ports is to use compressed air. To employ this approach, obtain a can of pressurized gas, remove and blow out the dirt, then blow air into the port using the star-like side of the can. You may do this intermittently, by using brief and controlled blasts of air to properly clean the port.

A brief blast of air should last no more than 2 seconds. Additionally, tilt the can to blow air at a twist that will force the dirt out. Five to six quick bursts of air will clean and remove dirt, lint, and muck from the port.

Examine the port

After cleaning the port with one of the ways, it is time to test the USB C port. Check for lint or dirt in there with a flashlight once more. You may also test it by plugging in your charger and seeing whether it works. If you notice traces of filth or muck, use the sim card extractor tool to remove it.

Pro Tips for Avoiding Port Clogging

If your port is continuously becoming dirty, you might like to try some of the suggestions below:

Dust Coverage

How to clean USB C port on phone
How to clean USB C port on phone

Purchase a dust cover. There are a plethora of these protective coverings available in a variety of hues. Once inserted, these dust covers protect your ports from dirt accumulation. So you put it once you’ve finished charging your gadget.

Dust-proof phone cover

Some phone covers, like the plastic cover, are dustproof. Purchasing one of these is inexpensive, and it will help keep your port free of dust, lint, and other debris.

Place your phone in an upside-down pocket

When you’re out and about, rather than holding your gadget, place it in your pocket. However, you must out the end with the ports first, so that it is not exposed and collect dirt.

Place your phone in an upside-down pocket
Place your phone in an upside-down pocket

If your USB-C port frequently becomes dusty, consider modifying the way you handle or travel your product. The simplest approach is to put it in your bag or pocket inverted, so the port is last and isn’t pushed into dirt and trash. When not in use, some individuals place a tiny piece of tape over the outlet to keep it clean. Here’s a more beautiful but less costly alternative: To prevent trash out of the USB-C connector, you may purchase a plug.


After cleaning the port with any of the methods listed above, connect to your chargers to see whether the USB C port is operating properly. You may also use a light to see whether there is any remaining dirt in the port. If there are any, continue the operation until no dirt is visible in the port. However, imagine your gadget fails to charge after you’ve tried all of the aforementioned techniques. You will need to ‘s respond or a professional because the problem might be a faulty charging port. Thanks for reading ” How to clean USB C port on phone”.