Category Archives: Travel


canada yoho national park lake ohara

Yoho National Park is the smallest of the four national parks that surround the British Columbia/Alberta border and is the second oldest national park (after Banff) Canada. Because of its lack of media attention, first-time visitors to the area often overlook Yoho and end up spending most of their time in Banff… Yoho National Park […]

Prince Edward Island National Park in Canada – Best Things to Do

Red Earth Prince Edward Island 2010

Prince Edward Island National Park is a true reflection of what makes Atlantic Canada so special. In this park, red cliffs shimmer in a kaleidoscope of colors as they bathe in the rays of the setting sun. Rare birds call out to their mates in mysterious marshlands as elated campers sing merrily around a campfire. […]

Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine in Japan – a Shrine to worship the God of Rice

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Fushimi Inari Taisha (Taisha means Shrine in Japanese) is a popular tourist attraction in Kyoto, Japan. Located on the southern side of the city, the Shinto shrine is always packed with visitors. One of the main attractions is Torii gates that can lead you to Mount Inari wooded forest. If you follow the path, you […]

Kanda Myojin Shrine in Japan – blessed electronics and manga wishes.

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A large and famous Shinto shrine in the Kanda/Ochanomizu area, the Kanda Myojin shrine is home to the Kanda festival which is one of the three biggest in Tokyo, Japan. Originally built in 730ad, the shrine has since been moved and rebuilt multiple times, although it did survive the bombing of WW2, unlike many other […]

Senso-ji Temple in Japan: The Ins and Outs of Tokyo’s Oldest Temple

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The Senso-ji Temple of Asakusa, a temple particularly appreciated by Japanese people is dedicated to the Kannon Buddhist goddess. The latter, a bodhisattva (being who has attained the state of enlightenment but chose to defer their buddha status) is very popular in Japan because she embodies compassion. This explains the number of regular visitors to […]

Stunning Temples in Japan That Will Have You Buying a Plane Ticket

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For more than 1,000 years the city of Kyoto was the capital of Japan. Over that time it developed a rich history and many important cultural institutions. Today, the well-preserved and affluent city offers seemingly endless things to see and do. Top of my list was exploring the spectacular temples and shrines in Japan. Let’s […]

Where to Stay in Osaka – The Best Hotel Locations


Osaka is a fantastic place to visit. It is a major commercial center known for its modern architecture and its nightlife. Here visitors will find delicious street food, historical castles and shrines, and beautiful cherry blossom trees in the spring. Knowing where to stay is always a challenge in such a large city, though. So […]

The Best Things to Do in Osaka at Night – Amazing Views

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Osaka is the largest city in the Kansai region. You will definitely want to see the wonderful night view of this city with skyscrapers and mountains in the distance. Here are the best places to enjoy the Osaka city night view. The Best Things to Do in Osaka at Night Osaka: Soul of Kansai tour […]

Luxurious Hotels and Resorts in Fiji – You should not miss!


The 333 gorgeous tropical islands that make up Fiji, in the heart of the South Pacific, offer an abundance of palm tree-lined white sandy beaches, deep blue waters and colourful soft coral reefs containing more than 1500 species of fish. With an interior of thick greenery teeming with wildlife, the archipelago is an idyll for […]