How to clean back camera of phone that You should Know

how to clean back camera of phone

One of the most exciting aspects of owning a smartphone is having a phone that also functions as a camera. You can shoot images and films on the move, capturing memories that will last a lifetime. Your phone’s camera lens may receive scratches from being put on uneven surfaces, inside pockets, and bags, but we don’t want hazy memories, do we? If you agree, keep reading to learn how to clean back camera of phone without leaving your house.

Scratches on camera lenses can range from little, practically unnoticeable scratches to massive webs that blur your whole lens and ruin your photos and recordings. Here are several do-it-yourself methods for removing scratches from camera lenses. Please read all the way to the conclusion of the post so you may carefully assess the advantages and downsides (if any) of each approach and decide how to remove scratches from your phone’s camera lens.


How to clean back camera of phone

Using a Microfiber Cloth, clean the camera lens

how to clean back camera of phone
how to clean back camera of phone

Place the lens a few millimeters away from the sensor, allowing only a trace of moisture to travel through. A microfiber cloth is perfect for washing lenses in little amounts. To get the best results, clean it with gentle pressure. Furthermore, you may fold the cloth in such a manner that you can reach the corners of the glass without distorting it. Also, remember to turn off the camera flash, since this might degrade image quality. The brightness will be reduced if the sunlight is no longer clean.

Spray Lens Cleaning Fluid on the Lenses

If you like, you can use fluid to get a brilliant, gleaming sheen. Simply washing the lenses with a damp clean, lint-free cloth or isopropyl alcohol can remove fingerprints (70 percent). Other lab-created treatments are available on the market. Ammonia-based solutions should not be used on cameras. Because this chemical has the potential to harm your camera equipment.

Using Disposable Wipes, Clean Your Camera Phone

Wipes that are too damp frequently cause stains, so have a synthetic material or tissue available. When opposed to a bottle, wipes deliver the soupy material, and especially liquid, in an easy-to-open container.

how to clean back camera of phone: Utilize a Lens Cleaning Pen

Cleaning your phone’s lenses using lens cleaning pens is a better option than camera lens cleaning sprays. Travelers will benefit from your capacity to conveniently locate and secure work on these digital devices. The Moment Dust Filter Pen includes a retractable brush to assist you if you come across a tiny area. For handy double-sided use, this felt pen has cleaning and fingerprint tips in the contrary direction. Lens clearing pens are effective whether or not an air duster is used. If your camera has become entangled in the sand, you should use caution. If the lens appears to have been resting on it for a long, you can use an exhaust vent to help with the tiny particles and remove the pen.

Using an air duster, remove dirt and dust

There are various efficient techniques to remove dust and grime from lenses, including utilizing a lens cleaning tool or hand blower equipment. When cleaning your lenses with a brush or makeup brush, you risk scratching them. Protect your lenses by using a lens cleaner with gentle bristles. They are rather simple to use. Simply lightly wipe the lens to remove any debris or dust until it is clean.

Dust cleaners are more effective in locations where the surface is unreachable or out of reach of conventional cleaning tools. Although it may be used on the lens’s front surface. You should use a front component brush to clean it. It is useful for cleaning the surface of the lens, but not for eliminating inner dust, such as on the rear of the lens. If you fix your lenses correctly, you shouldn’t have to brush the rear every time. Finally, when the work demands more vigorous action, we will propose blowers. They’re also simple to operate because all you have to do is point the nozzle towards the component and give it a firm, quick burst of effort. The breezes would sweep away any dust particles.

Make Use Of A Brush Or A Compressor

The ideal method is to utilize a blower rather than a pressurized air can or something that is driven by canned air. Although most ordinary things are unaffected by the chemicals and fluids found in compressed air. There’s a danger they’ll damage your camera’s electrical components.

Even if the power with which you blew the dust off the lens was sufficient to shift it, doing so may cause the camera to function in the long run. Taking such a risk is surely fraught with danger. Before removing your lens, use a brush or blower within the cap to assist clean the dust out of the lens. Dirty caps, in addition to dust and debris, gather on dirty lenses.

Cleaning Techniques for Smartphone Lenses

Cleaning Techniques for Smartphone Lenses
Cleaning Techniques for Smartphone Lenses: how to clean back camera of phone

As previously said, before any photoshoots, you should clean your lenses to guarantee that each camera phone lens is immaculate and ready for battle. However, how to clean a camera phone lens in a time-efficient and effective manner is a completely another topic. Taking a few additional seconds before your shoot to clean your gear may seem superfluous, but you’ll be glad you did when you know the difference in photo quality.

It’s critical to store your cleaning supplies in a clean, dry area, which might mean a separate bag or compartment within your gear bag. It’s pointless to clean your lenses if you’re going to employ a soiled cloth or a lens cleaning pen. If you’ve cleaned the outside of your phone’s camera lenses and still see dust, or if your photos still show dust, the insides of the lenses may need to be cleaned.

Cleaning the inner workings of lenses is far more difficult and dangerous, therefore it’s better to avoid doing it yourself. Instead, seek the assistance of a professional who can clean or repair the camera phone lens without hurting your phone or voiding any warranties you may have.

Some tips to remove scratches from the camera lens of a phone

Some tips to remove scratches from the camera lens of a phone
Some tips to remove scratches from the camera lens of a phone

Alcohol should be used on camera lenses

If you store alcohol at home, you may use a little amount of it to erase scratches from camera lenses. Alcohol may have negative effects on your camera lens, therefore do not apply it directly to the lens.

  • For this procedure, you’ll need a 3.5 percent solution of rubbing alcohol, and you’ll still need to mix one part alcohol with 20 parts water to make it mild.
  • Dampen a microfiber or clean cotton with the alcohol solution.
  • Rub it carefully over the lens several times. You should see the scratches disappearing.
  • Using a dry area of the microfiber towel, dry it off.

This approach works for both severe and minor scratches, however, it should not be used on a regular basis. It has been stated that this approach may cost you one coating of your lens coating, leaving it more prone to damage in the future, therefore you should properly safeguard your lens afterward to avoid having to repeat it.

Remove scuffed camera lenses using Vaseline

Vaseline isn’t just for moisturizing your skin; it can also erase minor scratches from camera lenses and restore their luster. Another petroleum-based product can alternatively be used.

  • Wipe the lens clean with a clean cotton towel.
  • Apply a little amount of Vaseline to the surface of the lens and gently wipe it off with a clean soft microfiber until it is clear. Take care not to use too much force and try to keep Vaseline from going into any other corners of the phone.

Except for tiny scratches, this procedure does not work 100% of the time. Vaseline can be used to reduce the appearance of significant scratches on the lens. It is a low-risk remedy that will not harm your gadget, but if it succeeds for you, you may have to reapply it once the Vaseline has worn off.

How to Protect the Lens of a Smartphone Camera

Purchase a Back Camera Protector

Put a glass or plastic shield around your lens for the best protection. It not only protects your phone from unexpected harm caused by falling, but it also makes it simple to clean without touching the protective cover. When you use a lens protector, you won’t have to use as much pressure or harsher cleaning solutions. As a result, the lens is less likely to be damaged. A lens protector is easily available for all types of cell phones, including Apple iPhones, and Androids.

For Cleanliness, Use Toothpaste

When using toothpaste, make sure you have the right kind. Although there are exceptions, tooth gel is more frequently used more than tooth powder. Using the incorrect material might compromise the success of a project or possibly damage it.

Invest in a Skilled Camera Cleaning Kit

Invest in a Skilled Camera Cleaning Kit
Invest in a Skilled Camera Cleaning Kit: How to clean back camera of phone

The concept of cleansing a lens is brilliant. However, if you are unsure what you require, a camera cleaning kit is recommended. A microfiber cloth, a cure, an air pump, a camera cleaning pen, as well as a paper towel are included with the bulk of the goods. These tools are ideal for dealing with anything that comes your way. They’ll have your camera lens ready for you. Keep the lens clean so that it stays crisp and clear. This bundle includes a microfiber cloth, brush, tissue, and pen, as well as a blower, newspaper, and tissue for less than it would cost alone.

Keep The Lens Clean When Shooting

But having cool, clear lenses which stay at home is incredibly boring. You must utilize them to receive the full impact in the real world. The more difficult duty, though, is keeping your belongings neat. Exposure can be influenced by the environment. If you do have the lens cap on, always use the lens hood or the bag to keep the elements dirty or damp. Before shooting, or have your camera handy in case something interesting happens. The more secured your lenses are, the less probable they will become filthy while exposed to the environment.

To guarantee you acquire the photo, attempt to go as near to the weather as feasible without removing your camera’s cap or taking a picture when the weather is awful. You must be able to capture the perfect photo. Get into the correct place, and then fine-tune your exposure settings. When you are prepared. Make your photographs, pick your topic, aim, and then put the camera back in its case. If necessary, remove your helmet or cap and wipe your lens with a lens towel. Cloth is speedier and more comfortable for individuals who live in an area with less dry patches and dusty areas, but it does not remove dust or bleach stains as well.

Photoshoot with a Clear Lens

Without a doubt, you want to get rid of the item in your lens as quickly as possible. However, crucial attributes such as image clarity, color, and contrast will be lost as a result. Without adding on what you already know, conducting is quite basic. This can make the choice more difficult to make and more difficult to reverse.

Shoot your images in the manner you want to display them; don’t alter them until absolutely necessary. Dust and smudges like to attach to your lenses, so avoid introducing them whenever possible. It is even worse to use a rubber lightbulb instead of enlarger tubes. It not only expands but also introduces dust or debris into the expanding emulsion, making it difficult to clean.

Putting lens covers on before shifting your camera is one technique to keep extraneous items out of your camera. Remember to never tilt your camera upward, unless while changing lenses, to avoid foreign stuff blowing into your lens.

Isn’t it wonderful that you now know how to clean back camera of phone? It’s the simplest approach to safeguard the value of your smartphone and images.


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